Standard Deal Structure

Every situation is unique and we would be delighted to discuss yours with you and understand how your business works. However, our standard deals have the following features;

The goal is to get your life to the next stage and free you from any negative ties to the business.
  • We will pay a market price for a business in this situation (substantially in cash)
  • We require a reasonable handover period which may be up to 18 months
  • We may link a minority of the consideration to the handover period

In addition, as the market price will be substantially below the price for a business with a working management team and we will build and benefit from this, we can offer;

  • Rollover equity to benefit in the future from the value created
  • This equity may not effect the up front cash if you can add value going forward as a non executive director

However, at Transitional Investments we will never lose sight of the goal. That goal is to get your life to the next stage and free you from any negative ties to the business.